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Showing posts from 2018

Behind My Bipolar Eyes

Bipolar - a word used by many jokingly to describe "moody people", an angelically evil cat, fluctuating weather etc. A word that at least 5.6 million American's see on their medical records every time they visit the doctor, which is at least once a month. Something not visible to an outsider. Something that only the human suffering can understand. A word, used to describe their life, the way they think, feel, function, a word that describes their life; my life. Each person suffering with Bipolar Disorder, has a unique story as the disease affects no two people the same. So this, this is my story. The diagnoses came after my 27th birthday, but the warning signs were there, staring me in the face, all along. I think the entire time I knew it was there, but, never wanted the diagnoses to be real. To move forward to when it became undeniable, was only a few months prior to my birthday in August. At first, it started with the sleep again. A week of solid sleep. A cou